How motivated staff can take your gynecology practice to the next level

How motivated staff can take your gynecology practice to the next level

If you are like most people, you probably try to take sole responsibility for the success or failure of your OB/GYN practice. While this may seem commendable, it simply does not reflect reality! Have you ever considered that you are not the first person to interact with your patients? What that means is that you could be the greatest gynecologist the world has ever seen, but if your patients have a bad experience before even seeing you, it is going to affect your practice and your reputation. 

Your staff and nurses are absolutely essential to the success of your practice, and a well-trained and motivated team can quickly bring your practice to a new level of growth!

Phone Training

The very first interaction most of your patients have with your office will be over the phone. This means that to make a good first impression, you need to invest in training the staff members who are handling the phones. Dealing with patients over the phone can be stressful and takes a level of patience, self-control, competence and efficiency that your staff can get through good training. Give them the tools they need to give your patients that first great experience of reaching out to your practice!


To have a thriving, welcoming OB/GYN practice, everyone working day-to-day in your practice needs to be one hundred percent on board with giving your patients the best level of care every day. It is up to YOU to motivate them! First of all, you need to be modeling the type of behavior you want your team to have. When you notice staff members doing something well, provide public praise and affirmation, and give constructive feedback when appropriate. Reiterate how your OB/GYN practice helps people and how important each staff member’s job is for helping women get the healthcare they deserve. Whenever possible, give out rewards and incentives for meeting goals and foster a fun, rewarding working environment!


Finally, remember you cannot run your practice alone. If your staff and nurses are so essential to the success of your practice, they should feel that they are valued members of your team. Have regular staff meetings to keep everyone on the same page and keep the meetings fun and interactive while staying efficient and on point. Make sure that you communicate the practice’s vision and goals clearly and emphasize the importance of each staff member’s role in fulfilling them!