Marketing Your Modern OBGYN Practice

Marketing Your Modern OBGYN Practice

If your practice is not evolving and moving with the times, then the harsh reality is that your practice will not be thriving. The growing, modern OB/GYN practice will need to look much different than the OB/GYN practice of twenty or even ten years ago! One of the key changes that any modern medical practice will need to make is to their marketing strategies. Below we have outlined a few key marketing strategies that every modern practice should be following.

Effective marketing begins within

There is no better marketing strategy than a good reputation. In the medical field, your practice’s reputation begins in your office. Your front office staff should be able to quickly and competently handle patient inquiries, appointment scheduling, and patient history intake while your doctors and RNs should be able to provide high-quality, empathetic care without judgment. When your patients can quickly schedule an appointment and have positive interactions with competent staff and doctors, your good reputation will quickly spread.

How’s your online presence?

If your practice does not have an online presence in 2022, you are likely cutting out the majority of your potential new patients. The modern OB/GYN practice must have a strong online presence through attractive websites, blogs, social media pages, e-mails and more. The majority of modern patients are searching for information online, and if your practice is sharing the right information online, it will draw those searches to your practice and convert them into appointments.

There’s no substitute for SEO

In the modern digital marketing landscape, simply having an attractive website and great social media content alone doesn’t cut it. It is important to keep up with how Google’s ever-changing search algorithms work to ensure that your practice’s page comes up when patients search for information that should lead them to you. You will need to optimize your website and other pages to make sure your patients can find you online.

Content still counts

Though much has changed in the marketing world in recent years, one thing remains true: content is still king. What has changed is how that content looks. Today, effective content marketing will look more like videos and infographics than lengthy text posts and will need to focus more on patient education with a personal touch than snappy marketing slogans. 

Give your practice the edge it needs to make it in today’s world by keeping these tips in mind when you are planning your practice’s marketing strategies for next year!